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Energy-efficient doors and windows can keep pollutants and dust particles out of your home, but they also trap a lot of pollutants inside. The Environmental Protection Agency has said that the concentration of a few pollutants inside the home is about 2-5 times higher than in the outdoors. This is concerning because fine microparticles can find their way into your lungs, and breathing in these particles day in and day out can aggravate breathing troubles and asthma attacks.
The best way to improve the quality of the air in your home is by removing pollutants and ventilating with clean outdoor air. If this is not possible, an air purifier can help. Unlike an HVAC system, air purifiers cannot filter all the air in your home – they’re functionality is usually limited to a single room.
Cost of the replacement filters: You’ll need to replace the filters in the air purifier at least once every 6 or 12 months in the case of pleated filters, and once every three months in the case of activated carbon filters. The costs of filters can range anywhere between $20 and $200. So, make sure to take this cost into account.
Size of the purifier: If you want your air purifier to do a good job, it’s important to select one that’s the right size for the room you will be placing it in. Be wary about the manufacturer’s claims though, since many companies overstate the size suitability. So, it’s best to size up.
Noise: Don’t only judge an air purifier solely by how well it performs, but also by its noise rating. If you place an extremely noisy air purifier in your bedroom, chances are that you’ll end up turning it off simply because of how loud it is. So, check the noise rating before you make your purchase. For reference, keep in mind that a 50-decibel rating is equal to the noise that a refrigerator makes.
Certifications: Look for an Energy Star logo, which indicates how energy-efficient the purifier is, and the AHAM Verifide seal, which indicates that the product has been tested by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.
You can increase the effectiveness of your air purifier by vacuuming regularly, not smoking indoors, and ventilating on clear days.