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Tips to Naturally Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Your blood sugar levels go up when your body is unable to transport sugar effectively from your blood to your cells. When this is left unchecked, it can lead to diabetes. 

Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions in the world today. A study that was conducted in 2012 reported that 37-38% of American adults were pre-diabetic, while 12-14% had type 2 diabetes – meaning about 50% of all American adults were either pre-diabetic or diabetic. 

With this in mind, we’ve listed some easy and natural ways for you to bring down your blood sugar levels. 

Exercise Every Day

Exercising regularly can help increase insulin sensitivity in your body, which means your cells will be able to use the sugar available in your blood more effectively. Exercise also makes your body use sugar for muscle contraction and energy.

Reduce Your Consumption of Carbs

Carbohydrates are mostly broken down into sugars. Your insulin then moves this sugar to your cells. But, when you eat a lot of carbs, this process doesn’t work the way it should and your blood sugar levels rise. So, limit your intake of carbohydrates. 

Consume More Fiber

Fiber reduces the pace at which your carbs are digested and sugar is absorbed. Due to these reasons, it helps your blood sugar levels rise more gradually. The type of fiber you eat also plays a role, with soluble fiber being more helpful in lowering blood sugar levels, compared to insoluble fiber. 

Drink a Lot of Water

Drinking adequate water helps you keep blood sugar levels within the healthy limits. It helps prevent dehydration and also flushes out additional blood sugar through urination.

Control Your Portions

Portion control can help you regulate your intake of calories and aid weight loss. This, in turn, keeps your blood sugar levels at a healthy limit. Controlling your weight can also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So, it’s a good idea to start controlling your serving sizes. A few ways you can do this is by using smaller plates, weighing your portions, reading food labels and checking the recommended serving sizes, and avoiding all-you-can-eat restaurants. It will also help to eat your food slowly and make a note of everything you eat in a food journal.