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Guide to Buying Hearing Aids

Feeling like you cannot understand what other people are saying can be extremely frustrating. If you find yourself constantly asking people to repeat themselves because you couldn’t hear them the first time, you may have some degree of hearing loss. Fortunately, you may be able to visit an audiologist for a hearing check-up and get hearing aids. Here’s how to go about the process.

Schedule an Appointment with an Audiologist

The first thing you should do is visit an audiologist. This is important because the audiologist will be able to rule out other causes of hearing loss like an infection or earwax build-up. Make sure to let the audiologist know if you have issues with balance, trouble hearing conversations, or if you’ve heard a ringing sound in your ears. If there is an underlying medical cause, your audiologist will likely refer you to an ENT specialist. 

Get a Hearing Check-Up

The audiologist will conduct an evaluation to assess your ability to hear. Be prepared to answer questions about the extent to which your hearing loss is affecting your everyday life. Based on the results from the check-up, the audiologist may recommend getting hearing aids. 

Go to an Authorized Retailer

If you don’t know of any authorized hearing aid retailers, ask your audiologist for help. When you buy your hearing aids, make sure to inquire if it comes with a trial period. Since it may take you some to get used to your hearing aids, it’s a good idea to get ones that can be returned if you’re not comfortable using them. 

Make Sure the Hearing Aids Have a Warranty

Only buy hearing aids that have a warranty for specific parts and labor. Some retailers may even include things like professional services and office visits to the warranty. 

Plan for the Expense

Hearing aids can cost anywhere between $1,500 to several thousands of dollars. In addition, you may have to spend more money on remote controls, professional fees, and hearing aid accessories. While some private insurance plans offer partial or complete coverage for hearing aids, Medicare doesn’t cover the cost. So, check if your insurance plan offers coverage.  Keep in mind that hearing aids will take you some getting used to. But, the more frequently you use them, the more quickly you’ll become accustomed to them. When starting off, you should, ideally, wear them for short periods in different settings. If you have any pain or extra sensitivity in your ears, make sure to immediately consult your doctor or audiologist.