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The pandemic has confined us to stay within the four walls of our home. Many local businesses have shut shops, schools are operating online, and most employees are working remotely. Probably by now, your whole office is working from home as well. If you’re amongst those people who are relatively new to remote working, here are some tips you can follow to manage this new form of working:
Start your day like you normally would by getting dressed for work – although, you aren’t going anywhere. Getting dressed and going to your designated workspace at home can kick-in the sense of an official environment. Then move on to structure your day as you would at your office. Start your work on time, take breaks, and sign off at the same time as you normally would. While you’re working, avoid switching on the TV, no matter what. This is because you won’t get any work done in time if you have a web series on auto-play in the background. Save TV time for later.
Unlike at work wherein a slight delay in replying to an email goes unnoticed, the same delay when working remotely can create a panic situation. To work productively from home, you must be highly attentive to communication. Also, remember to take breaks in between work. Call or have a video chat with friends who are also stuck at home.
In an effort to stay productive, do not neglect yourself. As you’re likely to sit a lot more than before, engage in physical activities that improve your posture. Take real lunch breaks that keep you away from your computer and phone for a while. This will help you to relax your eyes and mind. While on a break, avoid browsing through social media. Just because you have enough time on hand to get more work done, does not mean you stretch your work hours. Log in and out of work at the same time as you would if you were in the office.